Dr Rob Marshall Inca Honey – Dietary Source of Vitamin D. Recommended For Birds Living Inside Away From Direct Sunshine
Inca Honey may be mixed into dry seed, placed upon fruit or given in drinking water.
Inca Honey is an invaluable addition to the Breeding Programme for Gouldians and/or all pet or flock birds.
It has multiple functions and is used to promote optimal breeding condition in the parents, improve digestion in growing babies and stimulate the immune system of every age group. The small, well-formed droppings of finches on the Inca Honey Breeding Programme are a clear indication that the digestive system is functioning well and nutrients are being completely absorbed.
Inca Honey is given in the drinking water for up to 3 days each week as part of this Beneficial Programme and is the foundation of good digestion, strong immunity and a successful breeding season.
Inca Honey Breeding Program for Babies produces strong, fast growing babies with perfectly formed droppings.
This is a result of the soluble fiber and vitamin D contained in Inca Honey which aid digestive function and the production of strong bones and muscles.
Healthy digestion then allows for increased nutrient absorption and overall health as the digestive system is functioning at its best.
The healthy digestion created by Inca Honey is fundamental for the strong growth and development of babies.
Inca Honey also has a cleansing effect so that any toxins that may be present in the digestive tract are quickly purged from the body.
It stimulates immune function so the babies do no become susceptible to infections in the nest and develop a good natural resistance to disease.
It is an excellent source of energy to stimulate appetite and contains organic acids to maintain normal stomach pH levels.
Babies on the Inca Honey Breeding Program will develop strong, healthy bones and superior feather quality.
This is a direct result of the vitamin D in Inca Honey which enables the metabolism and proper absorption of calcium and further promotes strong natural immunity.
Inca Honey Breeding Program for Feeding Parents is used to support the increased nutritional needs of feeding parents and maintain optimal breeding condition throughout the breeding season.
The digestive actions stimulated by Inca Honey assist with the absorption of nutrients and ensure a rich supply of energy is available to feeding parents for at least four rounds of breeding.
The immune stimulating actions of Inca Honey are especially beneficial to feeding parents as they endure the physical hardships associated with feeding.
Birds on this program develop a good natural resistance which is then imparted onto their babies and provides the best possible start in life.
For birds housed in dark nesting boxes, Inca Honey is particularly beneficial as it increases their resistance to disease associated with reduced access to direct sunlight. The energizing effect of Inca Honey helps to increase fertility in male birds and encourages strong nest building behavior.
It is the combination of nest making activity and energy within Inca Honey that improves fertility of male birds of any age.
In female birds, Inca Honey maximizes the absorption of Calcium and ensures the best quality eggs are produced.
The vitamin D contained in Inca Honey is responsible for the metabolism and absorption of Calcium so critical to the maintenance of strong, healthy bones and the production of high quality eggs for the duration of the breeding season
Mixing Instructions:
Doses vary according to size, diet and vitamin D status of each bird.
Mix 5ml Inca Honey thoroughly into 2 litres of drinking water.
Mix 10ml Ioford, 5ml Dufoplus into 5ml Inca Honey thoroughly into 2 litres of drinking water.
To 1kg of Seed Mix add 10ml of Turbobooster and mix thoroughly. Then, add 5gm (1 tspn spoon) each of EPowder and FVite mix again so that these powders stick to the Turbobooster oil impregnated seed.
Day 3 may be used as an optional medication day for preventative treatments: S76 each month-fresh water otherwise.
Suitable for ALL Birds: Canaries, Budgies, Finches, Parrots, Pigeons and Poultry.
Only small amounts are needed of Dr Marshall`s products, not like most cheaper bird vitamins on the market, where you need 2 – 4 times as much to be any beneficial to the bird, therefore Dr Marshalls products last longer, have better results in the birds and are more cost effective
e.g only 2.5ml is needed to a litre of water a 1 – 2 times a week, therefore a 100ml / 250ml bottles will last 40 – 100 weeks (that is over 6 months – year from 1 single bottle)
Brenda –
I was worried my with my birds (zebbies) being indoors that they wasnt getting enough sun, so this is ideal, SUN IN A BOTTLE for my finches, they seem to enjoy this when i add it to their water